
Landscape Design

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Outdoor Kitchen - San Jose

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outdoor living landscape design - California

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    Home is never complete without its outdoors. Landscape design is the artistic fabric that holds it all together, elevating the beauty of your home from the inside out.
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    At first I didn't pay much attention to the landscaping focusing on the interior instead. After working with SOD on my new home's landscape design, I understand why no home is ever complete without its garden.
    Ken Wong, SoCal
    Now that my front yard is just the way I like it, I thank SOD for the terrific landscape design work they did.
    Olivia Jain, SoCal
    My first thought was to hire a separate contractor to do my landscaping. But SOD is an exceptional company that doesn't compromise on anything they do.
    Simon Kim, NoCal

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      Essential landscape design principles

      Landscape Design San Jose

      Upgrading your landscape design will not only make your property look better, but it will also increase its value, as well as create new living spaces to relax or have fun. Landscape design is about seeing the bigger picture and turning that vision into reality one step at a time.

      custom landscape encino

      Here’s what you need to have in mind, based on your outdoor space planning needs:

      Patio Design

      When doing a patio design, the first thing to consider is purpose: is it for two people, a large family, will this also include friends coming over? This will determine the optimal size of your new patio. As a simple guideline, 3X3 meters is enough space for up to 6 people, including the seating, table and some possible other furniture elements.

      best patio designs

      Tip: Opt for an open patio design for a small surface patio. Have in mind that enclosing a patio with borders will limit access to your lawn, as well as making it look crowded if the available space is rather scarce.

      Pool Design

      Before considering looks, think of practical aspects to determine your pool design:

      Is it easy to reach from your house? | Will it affect the current landscape?
      Where will the drainage water end up? | Will you have enough privacy as it is?

      Only after that you can start your pool design, establishing the shape, size and location by the landscape features of your garden.

      outdoor living solutions landscaping

      When it comes to pool materials you have quite a variety of choices for decking and walkways: paving stone, ledgerock, brick stamped concrete, flagstone, ceramic tile, mosaic tile, and tempered glass.

      dream pool ideas

      Have that in mind when integrating house design with pool design, and think in advance at the materials to be used since they will set the mood for the pool ambience. Also, make sure to check with your local construction rules and regulation beforehand, since some areas limit the pool design options if found close to sensitive natural habitats.

      landscape lighting san jose

      Good to know: Make sure to have constant pool maintenance done regularly, as well regular tree services so you can enjoy your pool anytime you want.

      Get in touch today because we’d love to hear more about your landscaping project!

      Spa Design

      Since chances are that your home spa won’t be as spacious as a hospitality one, you need to make sure to choose the right combination of materials and colors, so that area will feel relaxing, and not claustrophobic.

      custom spa design

      Make sure to include in your spa design light colors such as pastel and white–without making it too bright–and try to avoid dark colors since they absorb light, making the room look smaller.

      Bathroom addition - San Jose

      Opt for furniture that is both functional and aesthetic, while having in mind space planning so you won’t overcrowd that area.

      Tip: Integrate some water features in your spa design, since it offers a more relaxing, soothing experience.

      Deck Design

      Start your deck design simple (think size and materials), and then add the rest to complete your decking (stair placement, seating area, lighting).

      deck and landscape design

      The decking material of your choice will determine the longevity and maintenance needs for your deck. While hard wood seems to be the obvious choice, it will require regular upkeep against rot, mold, warping, insect infestation and other deteriorating factors.

      deck and landscape design

      In case you would rather have longevity for your deck, you can plan a deck design with capped composite or PVC products which will last better in time and require less maintenance.

      Gazebo Design

      A gazebo can be a great addition to any home since it’s both a practical, as well as a decorative piece. Try and use natural elements if possible, and opt for a gazebo design that integrates with the rest of your garden.

      outdoor living landscape design

      Good to Know: Have in mind that a gazebo installation is not as simple as it looks. You would need at least two people, as well as the tools and skills to finish the job –with the roof installation being the most difficult part.

      Outdoor Lighting

      For an effective and pleasant outdoor lighting, make sure to check these three types of lighting:

      • Ambient – hanging lights, post lights, wall lights
      • Task – pathway lights, deck lights, and security lights
      • Accent – spotlights, string lights, LED candles
      landscape lighting san jose

      Tip: Include outdoor lighting from the start into your space planning, so you won’t have to redo your design when choosing your garden fixtures.

      Concrete Design

      In case you don’t know, concrete design means selecting the ingredients for your concrete mixture and deciding on their proportions. This will determine the strength, durability, and handling of the concrete you plan to use for your landscape design.

      Landscape Design - San Jose

      Tip: Concrete design elements work great if you want to create a simplistic overall style in your garden.

      Stone Design

      If you plan to use stone for your landscape, have in mind that your stone design needs to contain an even ratio of hardscape and softscape.

      Landscape Design - San Jose

      Plan to use moss, thyme and other types of natural elements to soften the cold look of the stones.

      Landscape Design - San Jose

      Use asymmetrical shapes for large stones for a more interesting look, or combine small with medium stones to create a stone design that catches the eye.

      Landscape Design - San Jose

      Tip: You can also use stones for more than decoration. Retaining walls and other practical garden construction can be built out of stone instead of brick for a natural look.

      A word on masonry…

      The best tip you can receive regarding masonry when doing outside space planning:

      Don’t overdo it!

      A garden will no longer be a garden if you fill it up to the brim with hardscape materials.

      Landscape Design - San Jose

      Try to use masonry when needed–such as retaining walls or walkways–and try to integrate that into your already existing landscape design. If possible, try to retain as many green elements of your garden for a natural feel, while using masonry sporadically to emphasize on what’s already there.

      Landscape Design - San Jose

      For more landscape design essentials and ideas, get in touch with the friendly SOD Home Group team.

      We’ve been working on renovation and landscaping projects for the past ten years, and know what it takes in both process and materials for a landscape design that catches the eye and steals the heart.

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